CLR79834R-E4 IR/Audio Programmable Remote Control

CLR79834R-E4 IR/Audio Programmable Remote Control

IR pogrammable remote control( IR PRC) consists of remote control, IR programmer and PC software or Apps.

Audio PRC consists of remote control, Audio cable and PC software or Apps.

CLR79834R-E4 contains the function of IR PRC and Audio PRC.

Users can program CLR79834R-E4 on their own.


Model: CLR79834R-E4

Devices: 4

Market: Europe

Size: 18.5cm x 4.3cm x 2cm

Weight: 70g

Buttons: 43 function buttons x 2 (SHIFT)+ 1 SHIFT +6 common TV buttons

Programming mode: IR, Audio.

Accessary: IR programmer, Audio cable.

Software/Apps: Longer PRC software V7, Longer IR

PC Software

Software NameSoftware NoteDownload
Longer IR Programmable Remote Control V7For Longer IR Programmable Remote ControlV7

Longer IR App

Longer IR Apps(IOS)Longer IR Apps(Android)
For iPhoneFor Android phone
